Yelena Surguy

Snow Day January 10, 2025 Homework

7th Grade Grammar

Spelling – Be prepared to have a spelling test on Monday.

Grammar – Complete Exercise on page 93.


Keyboard Typing

Log onto and complete your next typing exercise.



Start working on your senior page.


10th Grade Grammar IV

Spelling – Be prepared to have a spelling test on Monday.


Continue working on your research paper about an author. Continue reading your sources and taking notes.
Create a sentence outline based on your topical outline. An example is given on page 190.
On Monday, be prepared to turn in your working  Bibliography cards (page 186-187) for at least five sources, a preliminary outline, and a sentence outline with your thesis. Be prepared to show me the notes you took so far for your research paper.


9th and 11th Grade Literature 

Answer the following questions from the chapters you read this week in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

Chapter 18

1. Why is simply educating the boys from the villages not an adequate answer to problems?

Chapter 19 

2. What does Mr. Jarvis say about his views on “the native question” as compared to his son’s views?
3. What native languages did Arthur Jarvis speak?

Chapter 20 

4. In Arthur’s writing, he uses the phrases “It is permissible…” and “It is not permissible..,” again and again. What point is he making strongly stating things this way?

Chapter 21

5. What event took place at the beginning of chapter 21?
6. Why is the final phrase from Arthur’s Manuscript, “Allow me a minute…” so profound?


6th Grade Grammar

Spelling –Be prepared to take a spelling test on Monday.

Grammar – Complete page 127-128 Think C and Think D.

Snow Days January 8-9, 2025 Homework

I hope you enjoy your extra snow days!  


7th Grade Grammar
Have a parent give the student a spelling pre test, grade it, and sign the test.
Students write the words you misspelled 3 times each.
Complete page 91 – A, B
Complete page 92 – A,B


Keyboard Typing
Log onto and complete your next typing exercises. You may choose to work on the enrichment lessons if you have completed the advanced level. 


Continue working on your assigned pages. 


10th Grade Grammar
Have a parent give the student a spelling pre test, grade it, and sign the test.
Students write the words you misspelled 3 times each.
Continue working on your research paper about the author you chose.
Find three additional sources about your author. Create Bibliography cards for all your sources as stated on pages 187-188 step 2 (you should have at least five by now. You will need seven total). 
Prepare a preliminary outline for your research paper  and complete step 3 on page 188-189.
Begin reading your sources and taking notes as described in step 4 on page 190.


9th and 11th Grade Literature

Continue reading Cry, The Beloved Country. Read chapters 20 and 21, pages 176-189.


6th Grade Grammar

Spelling List 12
Have a parent give the student a spelling pre test, grade it, and sign the test.
Students write the words you misspelled 3 times each. 

Complete pages 125-126.



Snow Days January 6-7, 2025 Homework

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. Please, stay safe as you enjoy the snow.
Your assignments are listed below. If you have any questions, please, call or text me at (909)455-2899. 

7th Grade Grammar 

Write words five times each.
Know definitions of all words.
You will have a spelling pretest on Wednesday.
You could use  to find definitions.
7th Grade List 13 is attached.

Complete page 89 – A, B, C
Complete page 90 – D, E, G


Keyboard Typing

Log onto and complete your next typing exercises. You may choose to work on the enrichment lessons if you have completed the advanced level. 



Continue working on your assigned pages. Upload pictures onto the yearbook images gallery, if you have not already done so. 


10th Grade Grammar

Write words five times each.
Know definitions of all words.
You will have a spelling pretest on Wednesday.
You could use  to find definitions.
10th Grade List 13 is attached.

Read pages 184 – 187
page 186 complete Exercise A and B.
We will be planning to write a research paper.
Select an author from page 186 exercise A to write about.
Write your thesis. Make a list of ideas about your author that you would like to write about.
Start Step 2 on page 186. Find at least two sources about your author. We will work on the bibliography cards in class. 

suggested online sources:


6th Grade Reading

I will no longer be teaching 6th Grade Reading. This semester I was asked to teach 10th Grade English instead. Mrs. Burnett will be teaching 6th Grade Reading and will pick up where we left off. I know that you are in good hands. Please, refer to her post under her name for your class assignment. 


9th and 11th Grade Literature

Continue reading Cry, The Beloved Country. Read chapters 18 and 19, pages 161-175


6th Grade Grammar

Spelling List 12
Complete pages 46 and 48 in spelling book.
You will have a spelling pretest on Wednesday. 

Read pages 122-123
Complete page 124.