The DeFord Family

The DeFord Family

We came to Applewood with a sincere desire to have our children educated in a positive environment that upholds our firmly held faith traditions.  Applewood did not disappoint.  With a strong emphasis on developing a love for Christ and a small class environment, our kids are growing and learning the way we hoped.  Our oldest son just completed two college composition courses through dual credit and received 99% scores, with teachers asking permission to use his writing as examples for other classmates who were already college age.  This is a testament to the strong academic focus of Applewood Christian School.

Richard DeFord is a Pastor and Board Certified Chaplain in a healthcare setting.  Amie is a preschool teacher at another area Christian school.  Together they have three children.  Caleb, who just graduated.  Nathaniel, who is entering the 10th grade and Sarah, who will enroll in Applewood in the 9th grade.

Applewood Christian School

Richard DeFord is a Pastor and Board Certified Chaplain in a healthcare setting.  Amie is a preschool teacher at another area Christian school.  Together they have three children.  Caleb, who just graduated.  Nathaniel, who is entering the 10th grade and Sarah, who will enroll in Applewood in the 9th grade.

We came to Applewood with a sincere desire to have our children educated in a positive environment that upholds our firmly held faith traditions.
